Most Western countries are democracies, with a separation of power between for example judicial systems and politics. Also the media are seen as gatekeepers and whistleblowers.
What Power and Governance can look like for Experimentation Culture:
- Your Experimentation Program will thrive when you have leadership buy-in and resources (+$$) to execute program.
- It’s important to have a good QA process in place. Not only QA for dev work, but also for stakeholders to check the tests or hypothesis that came from their ideas.
- Make sure to measure the ‘success’ of your program, by measuring (model from Bjarn Brunenberg, inspired by Speero):
- velocity (# of tests run and # of test ideas submitted per month)
- efficiency (win rate, fail rate, flat rate)
- quality (% tests backed up by data, % conclusive results, % error rate)
- effectiveness (# experiments in production, # of decisions from test or research)
- engagement (# of employees contributing to testing and # of teams adding test ideas)
- education (# of employees trained in CRO/Experimentation and # of employees using testing tools)